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Microprocessor 8085 and 8086


Figure: Microprocessor Lab Kit (MPS 85-3)


  • Some Questions to practice: 
    • What is flag? Explain the flags that are present in 8085 microprocessor.
    • What are the different kinds buses? How and why de-multiplexing of buses is carried out in 8085.
    • What is system bus? Explain different types of system bus in detail.
    • What is ALE? Explain the role of ALE in address/data bus De-multiplexing in 8085 with suitable diagram.
    • What is instruction set? Explain various kinds of instructions of 8085 microprocessor.
    • What is mean by memory interfacing? Explain the address decoding process in the 8085 microprocessor.
    • What is the use of AD7 – AD0 in 8085 microprocessor? Explain address de-multiplexing process in 8085 microprocessor with suitable diagram.
    • What is mean by addressing mode? Explain the entire addressing mode available in 8085 microprocessor.
    • Draw a logic diagram showing generation of memory and I/O read/write control signals in 8085 microprocessor
    • Differentiate between PUSH and POP instruction with example illustrating the use of these instructions.
    • What is CALL operation? How does it differ with JUMP operation?
    • Write an assembly language program to find the greatest number in an array in using 8 bit microprocessor. (Assume appropriate array data and address where minimum array size of 20 should be considered.) 
    • Write an assembly language program to find the smallest number in an array using 8 bit microprocessor. (Assume appropriate array data and address where minimum array size of 15 should be considered.)
    • Explain the working of LHLD and DAA instruction of 8085. An array containing 5 elements is stored from memory location 4000h to 4000h; write an assembly language program for 8085 microprocessor to find largest element of array and store in memory location 4005h.
    • Explain LXI and CMP instruction. Write an assembly language program for 8-bit microprocessor to divide 8 bit data stored in memory location 8050 by 8 bit data stored in 8051 and store the quotient in 8052 and remainder in 8053.
    • Explain instruction cycle, machine cycle and T-states.
    • Draw timing diagram of fetch and execute of LDA instruction with brief description.
    • Draw timing diagram of MOV A, B. Make necessary assumptions.
    • Draw timing diagram of IN instruction with brief description.
    • Draw timing diagram of STA instruction. Make necessary assumptions.
    • Explain memory read operation with suitable figure. 
    • Write short notes on: Von Neumann architecture and Harvard architecture.


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