This slide introduces the course content and class activities in brief. Go to the Link for further information
- Chapter wise Slide:
- Chapter 1: Overview of System Analysis and Design
- Chapter 2: Planning
- Chapter 3: System Analysis
- Chapter 4: System Design
- Normalization
- Chapter 5: System Implementations
- Chapter 6: Object- Oriented Analysis and Design
- Presentations:
- Chapter 1- Group No. 7
- Chapter 2- Group No. 6
- Chapter 3_I- Group No. 5
- Chapter 3_II- Group No. 4
- Chapter 4- Group No. 3
- Chapter 5- Group No. 2
- Chapter 6- Group No. 1
- Case Studies:
- Group 1– Case Study 1: Page No. 84, 110 and 143
- Group 2– Case Study 2: Page No. 180 and 253
- Group 3– Case Study 3: Page No. 305
- Group 4– Case Study 4: Page No. 351
- Group 5– Case Study 5: Page No. 379
- Group 6– Case Study 6: Page No. 415
- Group 7– Case Study 7: Page No. 485
- Assignments:
- Assignments1:
- What do you mean by JAD? Explain. (T.U. 2068, 2069)
- Differentiate between DSS and MIS. (T.U. 2069)
- Mention the key steps of system development life cycle and explain each steps with example. (T.U. 2069)
- What are the types of information systems? (T.U. 2069)
- What are the advantages of computer-based information systems over manual information systems?
- What type of information is required by the top level of management, and why?
- Explain Prototyping in detail.
- Differentiate between transaction processing systems (TPS) and management information system (MIS). (T.U. 2067)
- Assignments 2:
- Draw the Context Diagram and DFD level 0, 1 up to n level of following system in group.
- Group 1 : Bus Management System
- Group 2 : Inventory management System
- Group 3 : Cinema System
- Group 4 : School/College Management System
- Group 5 : Online Shopping System
- Group 6 : Aviation Management System
- Group 7 : Healthcare management system
- Assignments 3:
- Assume monetary benefits of an information system of $70,000 the first year and increasing benefits of $10,000 a year for the next four years, one-time development costs of $90,000, and recurring costs of $40,000 per year over the duration of the system’s life. The discount rate for the company was 1 percent. Using a five-year time horizon, calculate the net present value of these costs and benefits. Also, calculate the overall return on investment and then present a breakeven analysis. At what point does breakeven occur?
- A system costs Rs. 1, 00.000 to install and Rs. 8,000 per month as recurring expenses. The benefit per year is 1,50,000. Assuming an interest rate 12%, what is the payback period of the investment?
- A system costs Rs. 2,00,000 to install. The profit per year is Rs. 50,000. Assuming an interest rate is 6%, what is the payback period of the investment?
- Draw context diagram and data flow diagrams for online movie rental system that allows its users to watch movies online.
- Draw context diagram and data flow diagrams of a retail clothing store in a mall that sells different cloths to its customers.
- Draw context diagram and data flow diagrams for some organisation that you are familiar with.
- Draw context diagram and data flow diagrams for a distance education university described in the following narrative. Students send in an application form containing their personal details, and their desired course. The university checks that the course is available and that the student has necessary academic qualifications. If the course is available the student is enrolled in the course, and the university confirms the enrolment by sending a confirmation letter to the student. If the course is unavailable the student is sent a rejection letter.
- Draw a DFD diagram of following up to level 2. Customer sends enquiry to commercial department; receives quotations from the sales department and places an order. Based on the customer order, the work order is sent to the planning department for planning scheduling and control, in turn, the planning department raises a job order on the "shop floor". On completion, delivery note and invoice are made out costing department also prepares an order wise comparative statement of estimated and actual costs.
- Draw a DFD diagram of the following up to level 2 Front office of Hotel is responsible for all room reservations, room allocations and final settlement of bills. Any company or person can reserve rooms for their future stay. They have to indicate from what date to what day they need the room. They also have to indicate how many rooms are required. Sometimes the reservations could be cancelled or the dates or number of rooms changed. For reservation, cancellation or modification or rooms, customer receives an acknowledgement from the hotel.
- Draw ER diagram to store data about students, programs, and courses at your college.
- "Students participate in exams for five courses each having 100 marks. To pass the examination, students should obtain 50% marks in each subject. If the students obtain 80% or more marks of the total marks, he/she will get distinction, if 70% or more, first division, if 60% or more, second division otherwise third division" Draw ER diagram and data flow diagrams for a result processing system described in the above narrative.
Construct an ER diagram for a car-insurance company whose customers own one or more cars each. Each car has associated with it zero to any number of recorded accidents.
Construct an ER diagram for a hospital with a set of patients and a set of doctors. Associate with each patient a log of the various tests and examinations conducted.
- Design the E-R diagram of the following: a) Customer with draws money from his account. b) Student attends classes.
- Create a decision table to represent the logic of payroll system described in the following narrative. There are two types of employees: salarized and hourly. All salarized employees get basic salary. Hourly wage is calculated for hourly worker. For hourly worker, if hours worked is less than 40 absence report is also produced and if it is greater than 40 overtime is also calculated.
- Develop a decision tree and a decision table for the following: The gatekeeper at ABC park is given the following instructions for admitting persons to the park: If the person is under three years of age, there is no admission fee. If a person is under 16, half the full admission is charged and this admission is reduced to a quarter of full admission if the person is accompanied by an adult (the reduction applies only if the person is under 12). Between 16 and 18, half the full admission fee is charged if the person is a student; otherwise the full admission is charged. Over 18, the full admission fee is charged. A discount of 10 percent is allowed for a person over 16 if they are in a group of 10 or more. There are no student concessions during weekends. On weekdays under 12 get one free ride.
- Assignments 4:
- Assignments 5:
- Assignments 6:
- Assignments 7:
- Links:
- Syllabus and Notes
- Book
- Online Materials:
- System Analysis and Design YouTube videos:
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